
Maurice English (b. Chicago, Ill. October 21, 1909 – d. Philadelphia, PA November 18, 1983) poet, translator, publisher and journalist, was the Founding Editor of Chicago Magazine, Senior Editor of the University of Chicago Press, Founding Director of the Temple University Press and Director of the University of Pennsylvania Press. His poetry was published in three books and numerous literary journals, and he left an unpublished play. He was one of the noted translators of Eugenio Montale’s works and received awards and honors for his poems. He was also a Fulbright Scholar, a MacDowell Fellow, and a graduate of Harvard University.

The Maurice English Poetry Award (MEPA) was established at the time of his death and makes possible the continuation of his creative work. From 1985 – 2005, it presented an award annually for a distinguished book of poetry published in the preceding year by an author in his/her sixth decade of life (fifty or beyond). Submissions were reviewed with a winner chosen annually by a rotating cast of guest judges. Readings by winning poets were hosted in partnership with The Curtis Institute of Music and The Philadelphia Art Alliance. The first awardee was Jane Cooper, selected by Galway Kinnell, for Scaffolding: New and Selected Poems (1985).

From 2007 – 2015, the process changed to an annual invitational award formed in collaboration with Storm King Art Center, Mountainville, NY, where poets were invited to hold public readings of their work each year.

From 2017-2019, MEPA worked in partnership with the American Irish Historical Society, New York, and The Rosenbach, Philadelphia to host its annual invitational readings by distinguished poets. No readings occurred in 2020-2021 due to Covid-19.

In 2022 MEPA readings were solely hosted by The Rosenbach in Philadelphia. 

Beginning in 2023, MEPA readings have been generously hosted by Moore College of Art and Design in Philadelphia.

After four decades, the Maurice English Poetry Award will discontinue following the Elaine Terranova reading on April 17th, 2024 at Moore College of Art and Design in Philadelphia.